May 31, 2009

John Mayer

Hmmmmmm gua lagi tergila-gila sama john mayer nih. keren abis maen gitarnya abis itu suaranya keren khas gitu agak serak2 waaaaa. abis itu penampilannya juga keren men.
gua suka versi akustiknya.

lo harus cek ini dan yang ini

really really cool. pemain gitar di sampingnya men, keren abis.

yang ini bareng Eric Clapton

May 30, 2009

It's about my all time favorite movie: Amélie

Amélie Poulain (Audrey Tautou) was a girl who grew up isolated from other children. Raphaël, her taciturn, antisocial ex-Army doctor father, mistakenly believes that she suffers from a heart condition (a mistake resulting from the increase in her heartbeat caused by the rare thrill of physical contact with her father, who only ever touches her during medical check-ups). Her mother Amandine, a neurotic schoolteacher with shaky nerves, sees to Amélie's education. Amandine dies when Amélie is young, the victim of a freak accident involving a suicidal Québécoise woman who throws herself off the top of Notre Dame Cathedral and lands on Amélie's mother. Raphaël withdraws even further as a result, and devotes his life to building a rather eccentric shrine in the garden to Amandine's memory, which houses her ashes. Left to amuse herself, Amélie develops an unusually active imagination.

As a young woman, Amélie is a waitress in a small Montmartre café, The Two Windmills, run by a former circus performer. The café is staffed and frequented by a gang of eccentrics. By age 23, life for Amélie is simple; having spurned romantic relationships following a few failed efforts, she has devoted herself to simple pleasures, such as dipping her hand into sacks of grain, cracking crème brûlée with a teaspoon, skipping stones across St. Martin's Canal, trying to guess how many couples in Paris are having an orgasm at one moment ("Fifteen!", she correctly informs the camera), and letting her imagination roam free.
L'épicerie of Monsieur Collignon, Rue des Trois Frères, Paris, used as a film location

Her life begins to change on the day Princess Diana dies. Shocked upon hearing the news of Diana's death on television, Amélie drops her perfume bottle cap, knocking loose a bathroom wall tile. Behind the loose tile she finds an old metal box of childhood memorabilia hidden by a boy who lived in her apartment decades earlier. Fascinated by this find, she resolves to track down the now adult man who placed it there and return it to him, making a deal with herself in the process: if she finds him and it makes him happy, she will devote her life to bringing happiness to others.

Amélie meets her reclusive neighbour, Raymond Dufayel, a painter who continually repaints Luncheon of the Boating Party (Le Déjeuner des canotiers) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir. He is known as 'the Glass Man' because of his brittle bone condition. With his help, she tracks down the former occupant, and places the box in a phone booth, ringing the number as he passes to lure him there. Upon opening the box, the man, moved to tears, has an epiphany as long-forgotten childhood memories come flooding back. She trails him to a nearby bar and observes him secretly. On seeing the positive effect she had on him, she resolves from that moment on to do good in the lives of others.

Amélie becomes a secret matchmaker and guardian angel, executing complex, but hidden schemes that impact the lives of those around her with subtle, arm's length manipulation, leading to several sub-plots and episodes. She escorts a blind man to the Metro station, giving him a rich description of the street scenes he passes. She persuades her father to follow his dream of touring the world by stealing his garden gnome and having an air-hostess friend send pictures of it from all over the world. She matches a co-worker with one of the customers in the bar. She convinces the unhappy concierge of her building that the husband who abandoned her had in fact sent her a final love letter just before his death. She supports Lucien, the young man who works for Mr. Collignon, the bullying owner of the neighbourhood greengrocer. By playing practical jokes on Collignon she undermines his confidence until he questions his own sanity.

However, while she is looking after others, Mr Dufayel is observing her and begins a conversation with her about his painting. He has repeatedly painted the same piece because he cannot quite capture the excluded look of the girl drinking a glass of water. They repeatedly discuss the meaning of this character and although it is never explicitly said, she comes to represent Amélie and her lonely life. Through their discussions Amélie is forced to examine her own life and her attraction to a stranger, a quirky young man who collects the discarded photographs of strangers from passport photo booths, with whom she has never spoken. When she accidentally bumps into him a second time and realizes she is smitten, she is fortunate to be on the scene to pick up his photo album when he drops it in the street. She discovers his name is Nino Quincampoix, and she plays a cat and mouse game with him around Paris before eventually anonymously returning his treasured album; however, she is too shy to actually approach him, and almost loses hope when, having finally attempted to orchestrate a proper meeting, she misinterprets events when he enters into a conversation with one of her co-workers. It takes Raymond Dufayel's insightful friendship to give her the courage to overcome her shyness and finally meet with Nino, and the two begin a relationship.

yak itu sinopsis dari om wiki, menurut gue filmnya keren, imaginatif, but in another way such a good and weird romance. oia, ini tuh film prancis gitu. kalo ga salah di youtube ada filmnya, cuma kepotong2 jadi beberapa part gitu.


that's the word that i want to scream out loud now: Whooaaaaa! Ujian semesteran udah mulai senen ini, dan gua blm siap men (yeelah malah nge post lg bukannya belajar). hmmm banyak hal yang gue inginkan sekarang (mustinya banyak juga yang harus gue syukurin sih) diantaranya (ga berurutan):

1. nonton berbagai film yang blm gue tonton, termasuk yang blm rilis kaya sherlock holmes, g.i joe, my sister's keeper, dan yang udah rilis angels & demons, push, watchmen (banyak yang gue blm tonton), dan film2 jadul and many many many more

2. baskin & robin ice cream: jamoca almond 2 liter gue abisin sendiri hehehe

3. nilai bagus di semua pelajaran buat ujian semeter nanti + nilai rapot yang tinggi (amin)

4. gue pengen beli banyak cd-cd lagu lama. terus dengerin sendirian di kamar pake headset. relax. sounds so nice.

5. berendem di hot tub, sambil baca majalah + makan es krim + dengerin musik.

6. punya apple iphone (itulah alasan gue buat nabung)

7. bikin scrapbook yang belom sempet gue kerjain

8. hanging out with friends, make some good memorable photographs

9. keliling dunia

10. ketemu artis2 kesukaan gue

11. nonton konsernya coldplay, maroon 5, the beatles (which is impossible), barry white, billy joel, jason mraz (lagi), muse (lagi), the kooks, arctic monkeys, bep, mcr, dave matthews band, john mayer, john legend, david cook, kris allen, AAR, green day, michael frank, jamie scott and the town, lilly allen, chaka khan, SONDRE LERCHE, banyak sekali yang harus gue sebutin

12. bikin band yang bener hahahaha (silakan ketawa yang kenceng, emang gila, tapi ini keinginan gue yang mungkin agak absurd)

13. bikin film tentang lingkungan yang keren terus diliat orang2 seluruh dunia wakakak

14. bisa main gitar yang jago banget (kalo bisa sama piano sekalian)

15. bisa ngomong bahasa prancis yang lancar bgt

16. studying abroad

17. jago fotografi

18. jadi orang yang jauh lebih baik dari sekarang

19. keliling indonesia, ke semua pulau di indonesia yang ribuan (sok ngikutin nicholas saputra gua)

May 21, 2009

Ok ok jadi siapa yang menang american idol? di tv lokal kaga ada nih

Siapa lagi kalo bukan si KRIS ALLEN! Ya iya lah bukan si Lambert wakakak. Sumpah gue seharian penasaran banget dari pagi sibuk buka2 website resminya american idol, mau tau hasilnya siapa yang menang. dan pukul 5 tadi pemirsa, saat acara finale american idol baru mulai, gue baru tau pas ngeliat webnya AI kalo si abang KRIS menang. sumpah gua seneng banget. terimakasih Tuhan doaku telah dikabulkan (laaah?). YEEEEYEEEYEEEYEEEEEEEEEES! Ini loh foto nya mas kris (seenak pantat aja gua manggil-manggil mas, lu kira tukang sayur) waktu pertama kali audisi AI

culun-culun gitu wakakak
jadi waktu audisi tuh dia minder-minder gitcu. pas ditanya kara dioguardi "do you think that you are the next american idol?" sama ditanya "do you think that you have the best voice" si kris bilang " i don't know. there are people that have better voices than me" ya kira-kira begitulah.

coba bandingkan foto yang tadi sama yang ini:

itu abis dikasih tau ryan seacrest yang menang, jadi maklum aja mulutnya ga nyante. satu lagi ini pas lagi nyanyi bareng keith urban.

yak begitulah liputan saya dari depan laptop di ruang tengah rumah saya. ini videonya kris yang menurut gue penampilan yang paling bagus mungkin ya. judulnya aint no sunshine

sorry for the poor quality

klik disini buat download heartless (cover by kris allen) song

see you in my next post! so looong and good night, soo long and good night (loh ko jadi lagunya mcr?)

May 17, 2009

American Idol

Well, I like this show as always. I watch it from Ruben and Clay's season until now. And it never bores me. And it's time for the season 8 finale. Adam Lambert vs Kris Allen. Maaaaan I loooooove Kris really really much. But Adam is also though. And Simon say that Adan will be the next american idol. but i still love Kris. His appereance is simple but really nice. well no offense but adam once in the performance, wears like white tuxedo and white pants, or leather pants and jacket, denim jacket + jeans (too much i think) , or a 70's style pants, and i think he looks ridiculous haha

but i think adam's voice is really great. rocking. but somehow he looks like a.. (sorry to say) sissy
and i found a photo of him that's so embarrasing (i think) while I was searching something on google. and the article title of this photo is "Will Adam Lambert be the first gay American Idol?"
click this to see the article. i dont wannabe mean.

I really like Kris allen with his voice, his creativity, and his guitar playing. i really like when he played Heartless by kanye west, really great performance. all of his acoustic performances are great, in my opinion.

in this photo he is singing “She Works Hard For the Money” by Donna Summer - He’s doing it acoustic. but sometimes he picks a wrong song.

So who will be the winner? I don't care they both great

May 02, 2009

Must Have Fashion Items

So, a few days ago I went to the book store, and I read a book about fashion, the title is Style Clinic by Paula Reed (style director of the international award winning UK weekly fashion magazine, Grazia. Launched in 2004 it is selling over 1,000,000 copies a month and is widely acclaimed as one of the style industry’s hottest fashion books). I think it's a cool book.

anyway, here some must have fashion items for woman that i read from the book

1. White shirt

2. Denim pants, tailored pants, and a day-to-day pants

Sienna Miller Pictures, Images and Photos
tailored pants. Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Jacket (whatever kind of jacket it is)

4. Skirt (i forgot what kind of skirt it is hehe)

5. Black Dress