April 22, 2009

Earth day

Heeeey everybody! Today is earth day, and I wanna share a cool vid about the environment from NG

Click this to see videos from WWF and this for green effect

April 21, 2009

Hati-hati Ojek Gila! II

Heeeeey apa kabaar duniaaaa? lumayan lama juga ya gue ga posting tentang keseharian hidup gue yang seperti ombak, ada naik ada turunnya, ada pasang ada surutnya (halaaaaah gapenting lu). Yaaak selamat hari kartini semuanya!

Jadi hari ini saya ingin bercerita, tentang hari-hari saya di sekolah. I'm being so busy lately, and I think that's not really great. Lots of things to do. Minggu ini tuh gue harus tampil drama di kls, terus beberapa ulangan (alhamdulillah belom ada yang remed, walaupun pas2an ehhe), terus gue juga harus ngurusin editan majalah, abis itu harus gue kirim ke anak2 design (hello bella, ditha, shaviraa :D!), abis itu yaaah biasalah pr2an, latian2 gitu. haaaa. yang paling lama ngerjainnya (tentu saja) majalah a.k.a MAGAZINE a.k.a MAGASIN (haa sotoy lu). Gue sedang berkendala dengan yahoo mail classic e-e haa -.- depresi gue sama dia, abis kalo ngirim yang filenya agak berat dikiiiiiiiit aja jadi lelet banget. jadi lah 1 file yang agak gede itu ga kekirim. ada yang tau cara ngubah dari klasik ke yang biasa? please kasih tau gue ya kalo tau.

And then besok gue drama ehhe dan sangat2 kurang persiapan menurut gue. Kita cuma ngandelin backsound dan narator.

dan hari ini tuh rencananya kita sekelompok pada mau latian drama di kls pulang sekolah. kan speaker buat komputer cuma 1 buat masang backsound, jadi kelompok gue ngalah ngasih giliran ke kelompok nya bella dkk buat latian soalnya dia les. pas kelompok itu blm kelar, kelasnya mau dipake sm guru2. yaudah akhirnya latian gajadi. gue pulang cuma barengan dinda.

yaudah deh, kita ngobrol (dan bergibah) di angkot, terus pas nyampe, kita nyebrang, dan naek ojek. and you knoooooow whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? my nightmare has return from the darkness. remember the odd guy? the fucking morrond one? hahaha kaco dah ngata2in orang. yaaaak liat posting gue yang hati2 ojek gila (January 11, 2009) haaa itu adalah tragedi terburuk dalam hidup gue (lebay). ga deng. tapi coba lo baca, lo bakal ngerti perasaan gue. Sumpah ngebetein bgt.

Jadi tuh pas deket pangkalan ojek, abis kita nyebrang ada si kampret itu, kan gue udah ga mau ya dianterin sama si ojek gila, gue udah mau jalan ke ojek laen, eh terus dia nyegat gua. HAAAAAAAAAA KAAAAAAAMPREEEEEET! mana dinda udah jalan duluan. gue ga tau mau gimana lagi. ya udah akirnya gue terpaksa. mana bau banget lagi si fucka nya. HOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEEK. asli ya gue tuh keseeeeeel banget. gue tuh masang tampang jutek. pas nyampe rumah gue suruh aja pembokat bayarin pake duit gue, dan kembalinya? gue kasih pembokat gue. iiiiiiiih amit2 dah. haaaaaa. sumpah ya nginget2 itu bikin gue bete. e-e bgt.

April 19, 2009

Brit rawks!

At this moment, i really enjoy listening to the brit bands, like

1. The beatles
Beatles Pictures, Images and Photos
Sounds classic, but they did really great job in music indutry. an irreplaceble band.

2. Coldplay
coldplay. Pictures, Images and Photos
wow, i just LOVE them <3 their performances are great, their music is cool, they got a really great theme and great music taste

3. Kaiser chiefs
Kaiser Chiefs Pictures, Images and Photos
catchy music, makes me wanna shake ma body and just listen to the beat, cause they never miss a beat

4. Arctic Monkeys
Arctic Monkeys Pictures, Images and Photos

5. The Kooks
The Kooks Pictures, Images and Photos
Easy Listening

6. Muse
The Muse are awesome!! Pictures, Images and Photos
Who doesn't know muse?

7. Oasis
OASIS Pictures, Images and Photos

8.Electric Light Orchestra
THE ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA Pictures, Images and Photos
ELO rocks!

9. Franz Ferdinand
Franz Ferdinand Pictures, Images and Photos

April 16, 2009

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Baa Baa Black Sheep is a nursery rhyme, sung to a variant of the 1761 French melody Ah! vous dirai-je, Maman. The original form of the tune is used for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Alphabet song. The words have changed little in two and a half centuries.

William Wallace Denslow's illustrations for Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, from a 1901 edition of Mother Goose

Origins and meaning
As with many nursery rhymes attempts have been made to find origins and meanings for the rhyme. These include:

* A description of the medieval 'Great' or 'Old Custom' wool tax of 1275, which survived until the fifteenth century. Contrary to some commentaries, this tax did not involve the collection of one third to the king, and one third to the church, but a less punitive sum of 6s 8d to the Crown per sack, about 5 per cent of the value. This theory also depends on the rhyme surviving unrecorded and even unmentioned in extant texts for hundreds of years.

* A connection to the slave trade. This explanation was advanced during debates over political correctness and the use and reform of nursery rhymes in the 1980s, but scholars agree that it has no basis in fact.

The black sheep, according to Denslow

April 10, 2009

X-Men origins: Wolverine Review

Hey, gue baru menyadari kalo kita orang-orang asia (tenggara atau timur) adalah orang-orang yang beruntung. Why? waktu semua orang amerika nungguin suatu film yang bakal tayang baru bulan depan, kita bisa nonton satu bulan (atau lebih) sebelumnya. Contohnya aja gue udah nonton x-men yang baru bakal keluar tgl 1 mei. Gue nonton dari april. Dan yang pasti itu film ga original hahaha.

Ok, jadi gue nonton film ini dan gue dapet plus-plusnya doooong. Gimana engga? selain murah, gue juga bisa liat filmnya sebelom dikasih efek. Yep! Sepertinya pembajaknya orang dalem kru film ini. Gue bisa liat bagian2 yang belom dikasih efek, atau efeknya masih kasar, ada juga animasi yang udah bener, terus adegan2 loncat2an yang masih keliatan talinya wakakak. kocak asli ngeliatnya.

Tapi kalo diliat dari segi cerita menurut gue sangaaaaaaat ngga seru dibandingin sama semua film2 x-men sebelumnya. padahal ini salah satu film yang udah gue tunggu2 dari bulan2 lalu. dan hasilnya mengecawakan!

Ceritanya tuh tentang si james (logan or hugh jackman) yang bapaknya dibunuh, terus kabur sama kakanya yang namanya victor. terus akhirnya mereka suka ikutan peperangan2 gitu, terus ikut tim nya si striker. terus akhirnya mereka berdua berantem gara2 beda pendapat. si logan keluar dari geng nya striker. ternyata si victor (sybertooth) masih dendam sm si logan, dan pacarnya dibunuh (sebenernya ga dibunuh juga sih). Karena si logan dendam dia ngejar2 victor, dan berniat ngebunuh tapi gagal. logan akhirnya minta tolong striker, dan dia dijadiin bahan percobaan mutan pertama, supaya jadi lebih kuat. rangka nya diganti pake besi gitu. dan blablablaaaaah.

April 09, 2009

A Tong-tied song

Ada yang bisa ngikutin lagunya Jason Mraz - Dynamo of Volition? Kalo ada pasti muncrat-muncrat ludah lo

The Dynamo of Volition

I've got the dynamo of volition with po-pole position
Automatic transmission with lo-ow emissions
I'm a brand new addition to the old edition with the love unconditional.

And I'm a drama abolitionist
damn no opposition to my proposition
Half of a man
half magician
Half a politician holding the mic like ammunition
And my vision is as simple as light.

There ain't no reason we should be in a fight - No Demolition
Get to vote, get to say what you like
Compositions already written by themselves
Heck is for the people not believin' in gosh

Good Job -Get 'em up way high
Gimme gimme that high five
Good time - Get 'em way down low
Gimme gimme that low dough
Good God - Bring 'em back again
Gimme gimme that high ten
You're the best definition of good intentions.

I do not answer the call if I do not know who is calling
I guess the whole point of it all is that we never know really

I'm tryin' to keep with the Joneses while waiting for guns and the roses
To finish what we all suppose is gonna be the shit (that's only...?)

Oh, fist like bumping and wrist like twisting up a rizla
Kid Icarus on the transister
Nintendo been givin' me the blister
I bend over take it in the kisser
My best friend's a-hitting on my sister.
Try to tell him that he's still a wisher
Cuz she already got herself a mister
And besides that's gross - Don't want to dis her
Didn't I say – Didn't I say

Good Job - Get 'em up way high
Gimme gimme that high five
Good time - Get 'em way down low
Gimme gimme that low dough
Good God - Bring 'em back again
Gimme gimme that high ten
You're the best definition of good versus evil

I do not keep up with statistics
I do not sleep without a mistress
I do not eat unless it's fixed with some kind of sweet like a licorice
My home is deep inside the mystics - I'm known to keep diggin on existence
I'm holdin' in the heat like a fishstick
And my phone it beeps because I missed it.
I do not answer the call if I do not know who is calling…
I'm making no sense of it all
Say - can I get a witness
I'm only a boy in a story
Just a hallucinatory
Trippin' on nothing there is Living in the wilderness
With a tiger spot on my back
Living life of a cat
I just wanna relax here
And write another rap tune
Driving off on your blind man's bike
You can say just what you like
Or nothing can stop you

Good Job - Get 'em up way high
Gimme gimme that high five
Good time - Get 'em way down low
Gimme gimme that low dough
Good God - Bring 'em back again
Gimme gimme that high ten
You're the best
You're the best
You're the best
You're the best
You're the best
You're the best
You're the best

Good Job - Get 'em up way high
Gimme gimme that high five
Good time - Get 'em way down low
Gimme gimme that low dough
Good God - Bring 'em back again
Gimme gimme that high ten
You're the best definition of good intention
You're the best definition of good intention
You're the best definition of good intention
You're the best around

April 08, 2009

Java Jazz 09

Hah ini mah mustinya udah kapan tau gue post, tapi berhubung males hehe. Ini gue ambil pas di hari pertama Java Jazz, hari jum'at tgl 6 Maret. WOW, this festival is amazingly awesome!

The tickets (that I die for hehe)

This is the crowd before JASON MRAZ's performance! Sebelum konser nya mr.a-z, ada mike idol gitu nyanyiin lagu indonesia raya bareng2 penonton.

Live from Jakarta Convention Center, the performance by Jason Mraz!

Mike Stern & Dave Weckl are such talented men! Dan main gitar & drum yang susah kaya gitu, nyantai banget gayanya

A band from india named Prassana (am I correct?)

Ini duo yang baru pertama kali gue liat, Endah & Rhessa. Musiknya catchy. cuma gitar dan bass

Matt Bianco - rame banget, sampe kaki gue pegel

Alex Ligertwood - musik emang ngga pandang usia hehe